Friday, November 30, 2018

things I've learned while preparing to move, cont'd

I found the combination lock I used in high school today and, incredibly, I still remember the combination. I found the lock, thought to myself, "oh, this must be the one I used in high school" and then the numbers just popped into my brain. But last week, I forgot how old I was. The brain is a mysterious thing. And I wish I had thought to memorize something more useful when I was 17, because apparently I would still be able to remember it now. 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

things I've learned while preparing to move

  1. Most people don't own 400 books. Or even 200 books. So if you tell a moving company you have about 700 books (I did a rough count), they will use this information to charge you extra. Which might be reasonable, when you consider what 700 books must weigh. 
  2. Almost all the furniture we own was procured either a) for free with imperfections (bookcases that sat in a flooded basement, a table missing a drawer, etc) or b) secondhand. This is to say: it's quite possible that we will end up paying more to move our stuff than it took to purchase all that stuff. This feels somehow undignified. 
  3. When I met Josh, he had basically no furniture and all of his many books and DVDs were piled on the floor of his apartment. And when I moved in with Josh, I brought with me basically just books, a bookcase, some rugs, and my clothes. We are clearly not interested in having stuff (except books), and yet together we have somehow accumulated enough furniture for it to be a hassle. Perhaps this is the definition of adulthood? You are an adult when, even unintentionally, you collect too much stuff to transport by car?