Tuesday, May 27, 2008

top five things not to do at a wedding.

1. Do not make an agreement with the person sitting next to you that you will drink mojitos with him all night.
2. Do not develop a drunken crush on someone at your table (who you are not drinking mojitos with) and do not be horrendously obvious about it.
3. Do not tell the brother of the groom he is harassing you, even though is he definitely harassing you.
4. Do not forget to change the batteries in your camera, because then you will have no documentation of your stupidity.
5. Do not drink a glass of champagne, 2 glasses of wine, 3 mojitos, a shot of southern comfort, a shot of whiskey and a massive margarita on the night before you have to drive back from Pittsburgh to New York.

(Thanks for the picture, Laura.)

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