Friday, July 1, 2011

i am woman, hear me...gchat.

J: i'm confused about whether my [male] friends are "boys" or "men."

A: are you similarly confused as to whether you are a girl or a woman?

J: yes, similarly. i could be either. but at 26, woman seems more appropriate.

A: i'm not confused, but its hard to change the terminology. we are women. they are men. but it's hard to start saying that.

J: sounds so...official! i am a woman. i need to practice saying that.

A: haha. and roaring.

J: hahaha


Miss Self-Important said...

If you try to always conceive of the undergrads as men and women, it will be easier to conceive of yourself as such by both your own self-estimation and the laws of chronology. Phoebe once posted about how she was offended by being addressed as "madam" but I only wish people would call me that.

Miss Self-Important said...

It's also good for the undergrads' morale b/c, as Locke says, children always wish to be thought of as reasonable.

Julia said...

Conceiving of the undergrads as men and women is actually not as difficult as thinking of my friends as men and women. I'm not sure why this is. Probably because I don't know the undergrads personally, and they are extremely well-behaved around me.

My friends, on the other hand, act like idiots sometimes and we often get drunk together and dance around. There is a seriousness to being called a woman or a man that just doesn't apply in these scenarios. I'm not particularly unhappy about this, just confused.