Tuesday, February 20, 2018

sincere questions

1. Why is it illegal for me to sell my kidney but totally cool for me to make a small fortune "donating" my eggs? Or renting my uterus? (Of course, now that I am 33 my eggs and uterus are probably not as valuable as they once were, but I'm sure I could get something for them...even with my mediocre SAT scores!)

2. Why don't we eat more venison? I can't find it in any grocery store, despite the fact that it is really delicious and deer appear to be everywhere. Ordering meat online (from New Zealand, no less) seems unnecessary when the actual animal I want to eat is all over my neighborhood.  Maybe it's time to break out the bow and arrow?

3. Why is Andrew Sullivan the only person who seems to make any sense these days?

4. Why do we celebrate birthdays? Mine is tomorrow, and taking joy in my advancing decrepitude seems unnatural. And it always has: I've felt birthday ennui for as long as I can remember. I guess the presents are nice? Meh. 


Miss Self-Important said...

All the cool people now hate Andrew Sullivan b/c he embodies the unreconstructed New Republic ethic, ie, neoliberalism. Maybe your liking him is symptomatic of your aging?

Emily Hale said...

I like all of this. I've had birthday ennui for years, too. I hope it's as nice as can be.

Julia said...

MSI: Who are the cool people now? Are they Bernie bros? I can't keep up...which is definitely a sign of my aging.

Emily: Thank you! I plan to make the most of it by eating a lot of carbs.

Miss Self-Important said...

The Twitterers generally, Bernie-bro and not. I always know when Sullivan has written something new b/c it immediately gets trashed by everyone, right and left, in my feed. I'm starting to think that tweeting about takes is now becoming its own coherent political orientation in America, one that comprehends both liberals and conservatives and turns them into a unified group of Marx's "critical critics."

Julia said...

And I'm starting to think that the only way to know if something is objectively good is if everyone on twitter, right and left, trashes it.