Thursday, November 16, 2023

month two

Rapidly closing in on 8 weeks of babyhood. The major headline this week: he now coos and smiles occasionally! This is when things start getting better for me; I enjoy my babies much more once they smile. He's doing well at night too, generally going 6 hours for the early stretch, though unfortunately that stretch starts at 8pm. I know there will be regressions but I can just begin to see a light at the end of the sleeping tunnel. Hallelujah. 

Poor little guy has already had two colds, both brought home by his brother from daycare. Baby sneezes and baby coughs are so adorable and so, so sad! This is yet another difference between covid and non-covid babies: Jonah wasn't sick at all until he was about 6 months old, even after he started daycare. Though of course he just caught everything later on, and is still catching everything. But it hits different when they are so little. 

I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is next week. How is it not still October? Speaking of illness: last Thanksgiving we cooked an huge meal and I baked two pies and Josh and I both came down with a terrible stomach flu. Fortunately for Josh he started feeling ill before he ate anything. Unfortunately for me, I did not. The charming experience of puking up Thanksgiving dinner appears to have put me off the holiday entirely. I have no desire to do anything this year except order takeout. (Or maybe it's just that I have an infant?)

Weirdly, I have become less and less into holidays since I've had kids. I feel like it's supposed to be the reverse? Maybe once they are older it will feel more like fun and less like an enormous hassle. I keep seeing all these ads for matching family holiday pjs and it makes me feel as though I am visiting from another planet. Do people really spend money on matching pjs and then wear them together? This was not a thing people did before social media, right??


Miss Self-Important said...

The only important holiday is Halloween. And you should get into that!

Emily Hale said...

I am so confused about Christmas pajamas. But to be honest, my kids mostly dress for the next day at night and sleep in that... And i wear sweatpants, so maybe don't listen to me.

And i have never liked Thanksgiving and only feel slightly bad (for my husband) about paying almost no attention to it. We have eaten cracker barrel take out in the past.

Julia said...

MSI: I have never enjoyed Halloween. Even as a kid! I like candy but costumes and interacting with strangers have never been fun to me.

Emily: I love that your kids are ready for the next day when they go to sleep! That is so clever. I wear ratty t-shirts and sweatpants to sleep and honestly I thought everyone did??

Thanksgiving used to be my favorite holiday. Strangely, my view on it began to change when we started inviting my mother-in-law for dinner. Maybe she will enjoy Cracker Barrel? :)

Emily Hale said...

That is pressure to have an infant and a toddler and even think about cooking for someone else!!

Alex said...

I had a similar issue with thanksgiving food when I forced down the meal and then was diagnosed with mono a couple days later and was seriously sick and not eating for weeks. It took me years to get back on the thanksgiving food train... but I'm back!

I buy my kids matching christmas pajamas every year because they actually wear pajamas and they are twins! Not for the adults, though we do try to subtly match when possible (all the time, not at Christmas). Like if three people are coincidentally wearing a blue shirt, the fourth person will try to put on a blue shirt.

Julia said...

I hope I’m back soon, I loved Thanksgiving. I don’t even want pie :(

LOL with the matching, you guys must really like each other!