Sunday, September 20, 2009

an open letter to a very dead philosopher.

Dear Aristotle,

Why do you keep insisting that things are "evident," "clear," and "obvious"? No, it is not clear to me that "the law is impartiality," nor is it exactly evident how "the virtue of the good man and the good citizen is the same or different"! It may be obvious to you, Aristotle, that happiness is the same for an individual and a city, but some of us are still a wee bit unsure on that particular point.

Seriously, Aristotle, if anything was at all obvious, clear, or evident about your work, do you really think I would be reading it 2,300 years later? Do YOU? Yeah, I thought not. Now quit trying to make me feel dumb.

My deepest, most sincere philia,



FLG said...

I've found that it's easier if you recognize he seems to think that nature and obvious are synonyms.

For example, Man is, obviously, a political animal.

Sometimes, just to mix it up, I tack on a dumbass.

For example, it is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen, dumbass.

Julia said...

What do you think the word for "dumbass" is in ancient greek? Maybe I should get it tattooed on my forehead?