Thursday, April 1, 2010

a parable.

Last night, my phone died. Kaput, no longer, adios phone. I plugged it in for a few hours, hoping that perhaps the battery would recharge and somehow revive it, but there was no sign of life. The most it could do when turned on was beep, mournfully, bidding me a final farewell as it was drained of its final measure of battery-life.

So I turned the poor thing off, and (begrudgingly) made plans to visit my nearest AT&T store. This morning, in a last-ditch attempt to save myself some money, I plugged my phone in one last time. Five minutes later, it showed a fully-charged battery. Confused, I turned it on, and, holy shit!, it worked. Hello, phone!

And in case you are wondering: I do indeed consider this an Easter miracle. Hallelujah!


Alex said...

Oh, good! The longer you can put off a smart phone purchase, the better. Just think how much less fun our outings will be when we inevitably get lost, but quickly find ourselves thanks to gps navigation.

Julia said...

No worries; I probably wouldn't have gotten a smart phone anyway, I'm too cheap. And I also have no desire to know where I am all the time. How boring!