Sunday, October 7, 2007

don't talk about my boyfriend.

In the past 36 hours, three people have mentioned my boyfriend. First, it was the guy walking past me on Hanson Place, who suggested I ditch my boyfriend and take up with him instead. Then, the vendor guy in Union Square would only tell me the price for a pair of sunglasses if I told him whether or not I was single. Next, the shoe store guy told me that my new black flats came with an extra set of heels, so if the original ones wore down, my boyfriend could just hammer the new ones on for me.

Just FYI, New York: I know how to use a hammer. And I'm single. There's no need to rub it in.


Miss Self-Important said...

I saw the title of this post and thought it would be about [redacted]. Now that you have a blog, we're going to need to come up with less obvious code names for people.

Julia said...

wait, who did you think it would be about? i can think of a couple possibilities.

Jennie said...


David said...

I have my guess.

Miss Self-Important said...

Like I said, we need better codenames. Any effort to describe it in public would be disastrous.

Julia said...

david! jennie! hi!

david and rita: i'm still not sure who you're talking about.

David said...

Julia: STARFISH. (If you can't get this, Rita will.)

Alex said...

I also have no idea who starfish is. Hi Julia!

Julia said...

hi alex!

david, rita & alex: you really think i would write a blog post on Starfish? i know enough about bloglife to know that could be risky.

JV said...

this is going to get way confusing, but I love confusion, it keeps things interessting. JS you should go to Israel, there every one asks if you have a boyfriend, and the next line is always are you here to find one? And if you say no, they promptly look at you confused and say why? Then logically to them they say, oh you are married?

ahhh the contemporary independant woman's struggles.

Miss Self-Important said...

Wait, wtf is Starfish?

Julia said...

Rita: starfish is codename for my boyfriend. pay attention.

JV: i'll have to go to israel and tell everyone i'm there to find a boyfriend. my grandma would be so happy with a nice israel grandson-in-law.