Sunday, May 2, 2010

intellectual endurance training, update.

Finals are here, yet again. As much as I miss being on the quarter system, I have to say that I'm quite happy to only have two sets of finals a year now, instead of three. Maybe doing this three times a year would make it all seem more manageable, but somehow, I doubt that. It would probably just increase my whining accordingly.

Anyyyway, as I said, finals. Like last semester, I have a pretty grueling writing schedule planned out, I'm once again eating too many fried egg sandwiches, and I am currently listening to cracked out technopop on repeat. Strangely enough, though, my brain stamina seems to have increased slightly. Either that, or my work standards have sunk somewhat, which is probably the more accurate explanation, now that I think about. Despite the increase in brain stamina (or the lowering of standards) finals this semester are still going to kick my ass, because, unlike last semester, I now have 50 papers and 50 exams to grade, in addition to all of my own work.

I am kind of curious to see if all of it actually gets done. At some point, I expect that there will just not be enough hours in the day and days in the week, but so far I haven't ever reached that point. I'm curious to see if I ever reach it. Honestly, though, if I make it through this semester without taking any incompletes, I think I deserve a fucking medal. Or at least a free coffee, or something. Too bad there is really no glory in grad school.


FLG said...

I don't know how to put this without sound like an ass, but do you feel qualified to grade papers? Wasn't just a few months ago that you said you knew barely anything more than the undergrads? Or has the year of study changed all that?

Just curious.

Julia said...

That is kind of an asshole question, FLG, but I'll forgive you, because I did sort of say that. What I said mostly was that I don't feel comfortable teaching a subject that isn't my specialty, which is different from saying I know as much as an undergrad. Or do you mean back in September, when I said I knew as much as a senior in college? Because I figured out that wasn't true around October.

I know a whole lot more than the undergrads, and I can certainly grade their papers. I am not blessed, however, with perfect confidence in my own brilliance. And I never will be.

FLG said...

"Or do you mean back in September, when I said I knew as much as a senior in college? Because I figured out that wasn't true around October."

That's what I was getting at.

And just so you know, I've taken several grad classes and I'd feel in no way comfortable grading papers. So, I guess it's really my own issues, not that I think you are a dumbass whom I deem unqualified for what I imagine to be the rather tedious job of grading undergraduate papers.

Jennie said...

yay julia! you can do it :) hug!

also: post-craziness, you clearly deserve both a medal + free coffee. and probably retail therapy, where you buy things you don't need. affordable things, obviously, since we're working with a grad school stipend here.

Julia said...

FLG: I am quite sure you could grade undergrad papers. It seems daunting, but once you start doing it you realize it's actually pretty easy to tell the difference between a good, decent or subpar paper. Grading is definitely not as daunting (at least for me) as getting up in front of a room of people and trying to teach them something!

Jennie: I predict there will be lots of retail therapy! And I will very much regret it when I am completely broke come September.

Miss Self-Important said...

along the lines of jennie's question: will you perhaps be in NY sometime at the end of May, like maybe the last-minus-one weekend?

also, re FLG: criticism is always easier than construction. i can't write a book, but i can destroy other people's efforts with reasonable success.

Julia said...

I'm not sure how that relates to Jennie's question, but I will be in NYC from May 20 until June 15ish. So, yes, I will be there the last-minus-one weekend, if by that you mean the weekend before Memorial Day weekend. Are you going to come and see me???

Miss Self-Important said...

I'd like to. It's related to Jennie's question b/c coffee, shopping, etc. = visit to NY.

Julia said...

coffee, shopping, margaritas, hookah! yay!